Sketches In The Window

An installation of user submitted p5.js sketches displayed in my office window.


Currently, this installation is configured for displaying sketches made in p5.js. p5 has a great web editor as well as comprehensive documentation. It's very easy to pick up, and I would encourage anyone to check it out. I have even put together a very basic starter project with the correct resolution setup for you.

There are a few considerations that need to be made if you want your sketch displayed in the window.

Resolution: Due to the odd size of the window, sketches must be 390px wide and 1215px tall. You can set this by passing these numbers into createCanvas() when you call it in the setup() function of your sketch. Be aware that the very edges of the sketch may be cut off by the edges of the window / display.

Webcam: The installation features a webcam positioned just above the display. Sketches may make use of the webcam to track changes in motion and color, but for privacy reasons must not record, save, or reproduce any footage. A basic starter project using the webcam can be found here.

Audio: At this time, the installation does not support audio input or output. If your sketch generates interesting imagery without sound, I would still encourage you to submit it but be aware that there will be no audio input or output.

Style: The amount of time that any sketch is on display is configurable. By default, sketches will display for about 11 minutes before swapping to the next. Because of this, sketches that continually change or generate content will likely present better than static ones. Sketches that are static will likely be displayed for a shorter amount of time.

Format: The installation automatically adds a 1 second fade-in and 1 second fade-out at the start and end of each sketch, so you do not need to add your own. Additionally, sketches should be designed to loop infinitely so that they can support any duration. If you have a specific requested duration, let me know in the "Additional Notes" section of the submission form.

Appropriateness: These sketches are publicly displayed to anyone who walks through Golisano. As a result, they must be appropriate enough that young children could view them. I reserve the right to not include any questionable material, or outright reject a sketch on these grounds.

User Input: Keep in mind that there is currently no way for users to interact with these sketches, so ones that rely on user input will be rejected.

Optimization: This installation is being run on an older PC with a GTX 1060. While it can run most sketches without issue, some unoptimized sketches might be problematic. Try and optimize your code as much as you can before submitting if you think it is necessary. I will be the final judge of what the display can handle. Here is a guide regarding possible p5 optimizations.

No Flashing Images: This installation is displayed in a public place. Due to numerous health concerns that can be caused or triggered by flashing or strobing images and visuals, I will not accept any sketch that contains anything of the sort.

Aesthetic Quality: While I do enjoy a good meme or joke, I do want this to be an artistic installation. It is possible for something to be artistic and funny, but submissions will be reviewed based on their artistic nature, not how funny they are.

Submit Your Sketch

Be aware that there is currently no easy mechanism for resubmitting an updated version of a sketch. Be sure your sketch is finalized and saved on the p5 editor before submitting. If you do want to possibly update a sketch, you may contact me through email (arwigm).

To get the correct URL, go to the p5 web editor, load your sketch, press File>Share, and copy the "Edit" link.

* denotes required field.

Sketches in the Window is run by Austin Willoughby (Senior Lecturer, IGM). Projects submitted by you!